感謝各位在 學與教博覽2024 對 iREd 的支持!今年的展覽圓滿落幕,我們見證了一班充滿創意和潛力的學生,將 Health Kit 和 Sport Kit 與設計思維巧妙融合💡,創作出極具同理心且獨具特色的作品,獲得了現場觀眾的熱烈歡迎和高度好評!👏
Thank you all for your support of iREd at the Learning & Teaching Expo 2024! This year’s exhibition concluded successfully, where we truly appreciated the creativity and potential of a group of talented students. They skillfully integrated the Health Kit and Sport Kit with design thinking. Their empathetic and unique creations earned enthusiastic applause and high praise from the audience!
We sincerely thank the students for their hard work and dedication over the past few days! We would also like to extend our special gratitude to the following schools for their support. And several principals made a special visit to encourage the students' efforts and show their appreciation for our booth:
賽馬會萬鈞毅智書院 (Jockey Club Man Kwan EduYoung College)
和富慈善基金李宗德小學 (W F Joseph Lee Primary School)
香海正覺蓮社佛教陳式宏學校 (HHCKLA Buddhist Chan Shi Wan Primary School)
西貢崇真天主教學校(小學部)(Sai Kung Sung Tsun Catholic School Primary Section)
順德聯誼總會鄭裕彤中學 (Shun Tak Fraternal Association Cheng Yu Tung Secondary School)
青年會書院 (Chinese YMCA College)
香港神托會培基書院 (Stewards Pooi Kei College)
基督教崇真中學 (Tsung Tsin Christian Academy)
🎯 2025目標:衝出香港,放眼世界!
2025 Goal: Showcase to the World!
iREd 將攜手學生團隊亮相全球最大教育科技展覽 Bett Show 2025(英國倫敦)💪🇬🇧,向世界展示香港學生的創意思維與優秀作品!
iREd will participate the world’s largest EdTech exhibition, Bett Show 2025 (London, UK) with Hong Kong students, showcasing their creative thinking and outstanding work to a global audience!
📅 2025.01.22 - 01.24
📍 Booth:NK02